The Domino Effect
Domino is a game that involves a line of rectangular tiles with a number of spots—or pips—on each end. The pips are painted black or white and can be arranged to form different suits. Each suit contains one tile that features all of the numbers from one to six. Some sets also include a blank tile, or a tile with no pips, as well as other tiles with more or less than six pips. Dominoes can be stacked in long lines to create complex designs. When the first domino is tipped over, it causes the next domino in the row to tip, and so on until all of the dominoes have fallen. This is the origin of the term domino effect, which describes a series of events that begin with one small action and lead to much greater—and often dramatic—consequences.
Dominoes are not only used for games, but can be shaped into 3-D structures like towers and pyramids. They can even be arranged to form art like a picture or a landscape. Many people enjoy creating domino art in their spare time. This can be as simple or elaborate as the artist wants it to be, with straight lines, curved lines, grids that form pictures when they fall, and 3D structures.
Some people even compete in domino shows, where builders set up intricate, massive displays toppled by the nudge of just one domino. Dominoes are also often used in Rube Goldberg machines, which combine mechanical devices with other objects to achieve a particular outcome.
In fiction, the domino effect can be used to help advance a plot in a story. By focusing on one element and its repercussions, the writer can build tension by showing how that element affects other characters and scenes in the story. Whether the author is writing an action-packed thriller or a quiet love story, this method can be effective in pulling in readers.
Dominos are also commonly used as toys for children, who can stack them on their ends to form lines of dominoes. When the first domino in a row is tipped over, it causes the rest of the dominoes to tip in a chain reaction until all of them have fallen. This is a great way to get kids moving and learn about cause and effect.
When Hevesh creates her mind-blowing domino setups, she follows a version of the engineering-design process. She begins by considering the theme of the piece and brainstorming images or words she might want to use. Once she has a general idea, she starts arranging the dominoes to form a design. She then tries to create a domino layout that will be the most visually interesting, and then tests it to make sure it will work.
Domino’s leadership structure is based on the value of listening to employees. The company’s previous CEO, David Brandon, encouraged all managers to take part in the Domino’s Undercover Boss program, where they go undercover to analyze how Domino’s stores are operated and how employees respond to the food they deliver. When Doyle became CEO, he continued this policy and promoted it as a key value in the Domino’s culture.