How to Win at Roullete


If you like to gamble, you should try your hand at Roullete. Though the game was banned during the French Revolution, it soon gained popularity in Europe and the United States. Today, you can find single-player and multi-player versions of the game. There are several variations of Roullete, but the basic concept of the game is the same. You can win by using the numbers on the table or by selecting a combination of numbers to make a winning bet.

House edge

If you enjoy the game of roulette, you may be wondering how to win without falling victim to the house edge. There are several ways to reduce the house edge, including knowing how to bet on even-money bets. Whether you’re betting on black or red, odds/even, or high/low, you should know that you can always surrender if your bet is a loser. However, if you bet on even-money bets, you’ll receive half of your bet if the zero or 00 comes up.


The origin of roulette is uncertain, but it is thought to have originated in France. It is named after the French mathematician Blaise Pascal, who was also a gambler. He applied his probabilities theory to a perpetual motion machine and created a new gambling game. He took elements of several games – including Roly Poly, Even-Odd, and other wheel-based games – to create the game we know today.